Local Artists Invited to Design Utility Boxes as Part of WooBox Art Project | City of Worcester, MA


WORCESTER, Mass. – The City of Worcester Cultural Development Division, in collaboration with the Worcester Cultural Coalition, is inviting local artists to transform utility boxes across the city into vibrant works of art as part of the WooBox Art Project.

Selected artists for this initiative will receive $750 for each design selected by the committee, providing them with an opportunity to leave a lasting mark on their neighborhoods while contributing to the activation and vibrancy of Worcester’s streets. The WooBox Art Project aims to celebrate and promote local artists, allowing them to tell their Worcester stories through public art.

“Public art is a powerful tool for storytelling, allowing us to showcase the mosaic of cultures and histories that make up Worcester,” said Cultural Development Officer Fabian Barracks. “It’s a mandate of our Cultural Plan to activate our neighborhoods through public art, and the WooBox Art Project is a testament to our commitment to this goal.”

The theme for the project, “Worcester’s Rich and Diverse Community,” encourages artists to create designs that reflect the city’s diversity, highlight its rich history, and envision its future. Applicants are encouraged to explore their creativity and propose innovative ideas that capture the spirit of Worcester.

“Beautifying our neighborhoods through initiatives such as the WooBox Art Project creates a sense of place where all residents can feel like they belong,” said City Manager Eric D. Batista. “It’s an opportunity to showcase the creativity of our community while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of our streets.”

Eligibility criteria and guidelines for submission include:

  • Priority of Worcester-based artists or organizations.
  • Open to established and emerging artists, residents, and community organizations.
  • Applicants may submit up to 3 designs.
  • Designs must be original and free from derogatory imagery, political assertions, or advertising.

Applications must be submitted online or delivered to the Cultural Development Office at City Hall Room 409, 455 Main St., Worcester, MA 01608.

The call for applications opens Tuesday, May 14, 2024, and will close on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 5 p.m. A virtual Q&A session will be held on June 13, 2024, at 6 p.m. via Worcester Cultural Coalition is Zoom Meeting ID: 842 1896 6229, Passcode: 860996. 

For more information and to apply, visit the WooBox Art Project webpage. 

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